John Cousins, President

John Cousins

John Cousins


John has been the president of CISIWU since Frank Nolan, the founder retired in 2021. He was also a member and representative for CISIWU for 5 years previously. John brings to the union over 50 years' experience in the construction industry a significant portion of that time spent in management.

Managing Experience

  • Vice President, Ledcor - Industrial Division
  • President, TNL/Emerald Oilfield Construction Ltd.
  • President, Focus Construction Management

Professional Associations

  • President, Merit Contractors Association (1993-2004)
  • President (1981-1983), Red Deer Construction Association (1976-1983)
  • Canadian Construction Association (1976-1983)
  • Electrical Contractors Association, Director, Red Deer Chapter (1977-1982)


  • Interprovincial First-Class Electrician Certificate
  • Interprovincial Red Seal of Canada
  • Electrical Technology Certificate Program from England
Contact Us

CISIWU is a Western Canada based labour organization committed to helping our members.